Nacht van de Nacht

The excess of artificial lights at night threatens all that lives in the dark.

“Because of us, the night isn’t dark anymore”

The nightly landscape is brighter than ever before. We humans have shaped our environment with millions of lights that shine far and wide beyond our reach. What is the effect of all these lights on nature? What is the impact on our own inner nature? Our lit-up world has become mundane reality. So much so that  for most people these questions have never come to mind.
With this video campaign we want to show and inform the hidden impact of light pollution. Each video shows in just 1 to 2 minutes an effect of  light pollution on us and nature, and how we can act upon it. This campaign has been produced for Nacht van de Nacht, a yearly national initiative led by the NGO ‘Natuur en Milieufederaties’ to promote dark skies within our urbanized world.

Natuur en milieufederaties


  • 4 videos



“What is the effect of all that light on our inner nature?”